Sustainable Places conference: workshop about integrated home renovation services
On the 27th October, we presented our MedZEB approach and the HAPPEN project at the workshop “Integrated home renovation services” held within the Sustainable Places online conference.
This workshop allowed to share insights, and lessons learned with five other projects addressing energy renovation in Europe:
- TURNKEY RETROFIT, which creates an owner-centred platform which will integrate existing platforms in different countries and will allow to easily identify renovation needs;
- PadovaFit Expanded, which aims to develop a one-stop shop centralising different services and building on the citizens’ engagement;
- Save The Homes, which will develop a new one-stop shop model, the citizens hubs, in two pilot sites (Valencia and Rotterdam);
- i-HEROS, which will develop a fully integrated home renovation service in Toulouse Métropole, the 4th French city
- reMODULEES, which will focus on the market uptake of existing results, working on pilot markets across Europe.
All these projects have a lot in common among each other, and with HAPPEN, which will make it interesting to create synergies.
In light of the discussions, panelists and facilitators agreed on the relevance of the one-stop shop model, as a key component of the Renovation Wave strategy and as a crucial tool for a more sustainable energy renovation.