Consent Form
Subjects (Section 13 Reg. 2016/679/UE) under the Happen Project
According to Regulation 2016/679/UE (on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC General Data Protection Regulation) personal data treatment involving Yourself, will be based on correctness, rightness, transparency and your Privacy’s and rights protection.
According to section 13 of Regulation 2016/679/UE, the HAPPEN partner informs you that personal data treatment provided by Yourself (name, surname, mail, company, function as a participant), is only used under the activities of the Happen Project and will be treated only for research, communication and dissemination purposes.
We would inform you that:
- data treatment is made up by operations declared in section 4 section 1 n. 2 of Regulation 2016/679/UE: collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction. These operations could be done using paper supports or electronic tools;
- Data collection is necessary to manage all the activities of communication and dissemination (newsletter, e-pills, information mailing, press release…) which involve the participant under the Happen Project related to the Happen Project itself;
- personal data can be known by Persons in charge of the processing, just authorized (specifically, persons involved in the Happen Project) these data could be communicated and transferred just to:
– other partners of The Happen Project will treat such data only for research communication and dissemination purposes related to Happen activities; - these personal data cannot be diffused;
- these personal data will not be subject to profiling;
- these personal data would be treated by the company/partner during the Happen Project activities period (moreover the Data controller provides for specific procedures for deleting such data and for anonymizing/pseudonymizing such data)
- Data Controller is: Dr. Marco Padula, ITC-CNR, via Lombardia 49 20098 San Giuliano Milanese (Milan), ITALY;
The Data Subjects shall have the rights stated in sections 15, 16, 17, 18 Reg. 2016/679/UE and
especially access right to private personal data, to ask for their modification, updating and deleting if
they are incomplete or incorrect or gathered violating law, and they can refuse personal data
treatment on legitimate grounds, asking to Data Controller.